Outdoor-Driven Economic Development
Building Outdoor Communities Trainings and Resource Material
Welcome to your monthly resource center for the WNC: MADE X MTNS Building Outdoor Communities Program! Check this page to see scheduled monthly trainings and other resources.

October 2022 Trainings
October 6th, 2022 – Effectively Using Social Media to Market Your Trail Organization. This webinar will help “cut through the noise” of what the social media platforms actually do, who they target, and how to use them effectively. Hosted by American Trails.
October 6th, 2022 – The New ROI in the Outdoor Industry – Return on Inclusion. Please join us as Black Folks Camp Too Founder and President, Earl B. Hunter, Jr., defines his initiative around Return On Inclusion and how their action oriented initiative not only promotes more unity in outdoor spaces, but also expands an unexplored marketing niche for outdoor industry and environmental conservancies alike. Hosted by Outdoor Gear Builders WNC and MADE X MTNS.
October 11, 2022 – High Country Adventure Film and Speaker Series. The Lees-McRae High Country Adventure Film and Speaker Series will continue with a talk from Rachel Olzer, cross-country bicycle racer and founder of Pedal 2 the People ─ a collective of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) cyclists.
October 13 – 15, 2022 – Outdoors For All Summit. The mission of Outdoors for All is to cultivate a space for a diversity of thought leaders industry partners, community members, and outdoor enthusiasts to unite and explore ways we can create a shared equitable outdoor community for all people.
October 27, 2022 – Building a Trail Foundation from the Ground Up. This webinar will discuss details on what is needed in order to create a trail foundation from the ground up and how to keep it successful. Presenters will look at organizational governance (bylaws, articles of incorporation, etc.), board member retention, fundraising, marketing and outreach, as well as partnerships. They will also discuss the ground work when it comes to a foundation’s particular focus—the trail—and will include details on general advocacy, land acquisition, fundraising and grant writing, as well as planning, design, construction, and maintenance of a trail. Hosted by American Trails.
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